
If there is a will you can have the guts to be different. Select is more than just working. Our team is there for you to answer all your questions and support you with for example, housing, transport and health insurance.

Contact us

How Select works

in 5 steps

1 / Help with BSN application

Coming to the Netherlands from another country that is part of the European Union? We assist with the application for a BSN (Social Security Number). With this number, the Dutch government wants to improve the services it provides to you, combat fraud and improve protection of your privacy. You can start working without this number but will get your payment and salarybill after you have your official BSN.

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2 / Wages and working conditions

The llabour agreement for the industry in which you work determine which hourly wage we apply. That's fair, we think. Every week you will receive a salary slip that clearly states the following details: gross salary amount, hourly wage, specification of allowances and the number of working hours.

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3 / Housing and transport

You have the possibility to arrange your accommodation by Select. We will always do our very best to accommodate you as close as possible to the workplace. We also have a various amount of cars at your disposal for daily use.

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4 / Health insurance

Every person who lives or works in the Netherlands is legally obliged to take out standard health insurance to cover the cost of, for example, consulting a doctor, hospital treatment and prescription medication. We help you arrange this insurance.

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5 / Everything online

If you sign in to your portal you can fill in your worked hours, upload documents and you can view or download your payslips and annual statements.

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What does Select do for you?

Everything online

Handy! If you sign in, everything is within reach on your own web portal. You can submit your worked hours, upload documents and view or download your payslips and annual statements.


Coming to the Netherlands from another country that is part of the European Union? We assist with the application for a BSN (Citizen Service Number). It requires quite a lot of arrangement, that is why we want to relieve you during the entire process. We have our own homes and transport, so you have the possibility to arrange your accommodation by us and we can take out health insurance.


We want you to be able to do your work efficiently. That is why we are VCU certified. Does something happen during work or commuting? Then we have insurance with good coverage for any accidents.

Good working conditions

The labor agreemenst for the industry in which you work determine which hourly wage we apply. That's fair, we think. Every week you will receive a salary slip that clearly states the following details: gross salary amount, hourly wage, specification of allowances and the number of working hours.

Sectors and vacancies

Open application

Can't find the job you are looking for? Send an open application.

Apply directly


Select is a member of the branch organisation called ABU and also certified for VCA and SNF. Furthermore we have the SNA quality label and a G- account. For identity checks we are using Securitech.


Want to know more?

Would you like more information, request a quote or compare some prices? Fill in the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. Of course you can also just call us or come by for a cup of coffee.

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+31(0)88 - 11 87 200
KvK 28112626

Anna van Renesseplein 8
1911 KN Uitgeest

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For more text and explanation, please leave your details and we will be happy to contact you.